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Integrity is a tenant of TaeKwon-Do student's should live by not just in the Do Jang. Students should be able to discriminate between right and wrong and to make the right choices. If a student does make a wrong decision, the student should feel guilt and make the situation right if possible. Students should always be honest with themselves and others. Take this week to focus on integrity in every aspect of your life.

Be sure to mark your calendars for upcoming events with SDY, check out the calendar on the website to get information on tournaments, seminars, testings, and more. In the coming month SDY will be hosting SDY Night on February 20, a Women's Self Defense Class on March 16, and testing on March 18 & 20. Events for the spring and summer months are already being added to the calendar.

Beginner Class

Students worked hard on patterns and kicking drills this past week. Instructors are noticing improvements in students and their abilities to answer questions about techniques and general knowledge. For students studying at home, keep working hard and challenging yourself. If you are not studying at home, start making time (15 minutes at a time) to review material and practice techniques. This week students should become familar with all of the material required for their next rank, especially if you are planning on testing in March. The beginner class testing will be held on March 18 from 7:00-9:00pm.

Advanced Class

Combat series #1-2 were introduced to the class this week. All students will be required to know these two series in order to test in March. This week review testing requirements for your next rank and recognize what areas you need to polish and what you still have to learn. Also, review the combat series from class this past week.

Combat series #1

Attacker: Advancing walking stance obverse punch
Defender: Retreating L-stance inner forearm block
L-stance reverse punch to underarm
Lead leg side kick to ribs

Combat series #2

Attacker: Advancing walking stance obverse punch
Defender: Retreating walking stance obverse outerforearm block
Blocking hand grasps, reverse hand grasps attacker's lead shoulder
Rear leg turning kick with the knee while pulling attacker in
Advancing the leg, lead hand downward elbow strike to base of skull

"Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do."
 -Bruce Lee